Program for Fall 2020

Abstracts will usually be available a week before the seminar.

Seminar streams and feedback will now only be available via Sakai (note on gaining access).

August 26, 2020 - Dr. Noah Kittner; Assistant Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Is Energy Storage the Key to Zero-Carbon Electricity?
Focus area: Energy and Air Pollution.
Introduction by Dr. Jason West, Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

September 02, 2020 - Alyssa Grube; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
What Galápagos Around Comes Around: Antibiotic Resistance in Darwin's Laboratory
Focus area: Environmental Microbiology.
Introduction by Dr. Jill Stewart, Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Deputy Director, Center for Galapogos Studies.

September 09, 2020 - David Gorelick; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Water the Dam Risks (of Infrastructure Planning for Water Utilities)?
Focus area: Regional Water Supply and Financial Risk Management.
Introduction by Dr. Greg Characklis, William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Director, Center On Financial Risk In Environmental Systems.

September 16, 2020 - Riley Mulhern; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Does it Work? Everything We Don't (But Should) Know about Household Water Treatment for Private Wells
Focus area: Drinking Water Treatment.
Introduction by Dr. Jacqueline MacDonald Gibson, Adjunct Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

September 23, 2020 - Kelsey Bruning; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Go Against the Flow: Modeling of Two-Fluid-Phase Porous Medium Flow Systems
Focus area: Environmental Modeling.
Introduction by Dr. Casey Miller, Okun Distinguished Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Adjunct Professor, Applied Physical Sciences.

September 30, 2020 - Mark Radin; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
The Economic Allure of a Latrine and a Review of the Evidence
Focus area: Economics and Rural Sanitation.
Introduction by Dr. Dale Whittington, Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

October 07, 2020 - Yunjia Lai; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Microbes and the Mind: Illuminating Signaling Molecules Underlying the Gut Microbiome-Brain Axis
Focus area: Systems Biology and Environmental Toxicology.
Introduction by Dr. Kun Lu, Associate Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

October 14, 2020 - Andrew Hamilton; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
A Tale of Two Flows: Managing Variable Stream Flows and Cash Flows in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Focus area: Water Resources.
Introduction by Dr. Greg Characklis, Philip C. Singer Distinguished Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Director, Center On Financial Risk In Environmental Systems.

October 21, 2020 - Corinne Wiesner; PhD Student, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.
Witness the Fitness: The Microbial Find, Inform, and Test (FIT) Framework for Estimating Contributions for Spatially Distributed Sources of Microbial Contamination
Focus area: Environmental Microbiology and Modeling.
Introduction by Dr. Marc Serre, Associate Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering.

*Sakai access
Contact Robin Whitley with either: